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Here's a simple implementation of Singly linked list in C++ , which includes insertion , deletion and searching .
#include <cstdio> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <limits> #define BAD_INPUT_CUTOFF 3 using namespace std; struct node { int data; struct node* next; }; struct searchDS { int occurence; int posit[100]; }; typedef struct node Node; typedef struct searchDS SD; Node *start = NULL; Node *new1; void print_list(Node*); int print_no(); int count(); unsigned int getIntInRange(unsigned int min, unsigned int max, const char *prompt); Node* create_node() { Node* newnode; newnode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\nEnter the data (numeric only): "); scanf("%d", &newnode -> data); newnode -> next = NULL; return newnode; } int isEmpty() { if(start == NULL) { printf("\nList is empty"); return true; } else return false; } Node* search(int data) { Node* ptr; int flag = 0; for(ptr = start ; ptr; ptr = ptr -> next) { if(ptr -> data == data) { flag = 1; printf("\nData %d found at %x ",data,ptr); } } if(flag == 1 ) { return ptr; } else { printf("\nData %d not found !!!",data); return NULL; } } void adv_search(int data, SD* sp) { Node *ptr,*prev; int i ,j, pos = 1; if(start == NULL) { printf("\nList is empty "); return; } sp->occurence = 0; for(i=0,ptr = start; (ptr); ptr = ptr->next,pos++) { if(ptr -> data == data) { (sp->occurence)++; sp->posit[i++] = pos ; } } if(sp->occurence == 0) { printf("\nData %d not in the list!!!",data); return; } printf("\nOcc: %d , Positions : ", sp->occurence); for(j=0; j<i; j++) printf("%d, ",sp->posit[j]); printf("\n"); } void insert_beg() { //printf("\n In function %s\n",__func__); new1 = create_node(); if(start == NULL) { start = new1; print_list(start); return; } else { new1 -> next = start ; start = new1; print_list(start); return; } } void insert_end() { Node *ptr,*prev; //printf("\n In function %s\n",__func__); new1 = create_node(); if(start == NULL) { start = new1; print_list(start); return; } else { for(prev = start , ptr = start -> next ; ptr ; prev = ptr , ptr = ptr -> next); prev -> next = new1; print_list(start); } } void insert_at_pos() { Node *ptr , *prev; int pos,i; //printf("\n In function %s\n",__func__); new1 = create_node(); printf("\nWhat position do you want to enter ? "); scanf("%d",&pos); if (pos < 1 || pos > print_no()) { printf("\n Inserting failed! Out of bounds!!!"); return; } else if(pos == 1) { new1 -> next = start; start = new1; print_list(start); } else if(pos > 1) { for(i = 1 ,prev = start, ptr = start -> next; (ptr) && (i < pos -1); prev = ptr , ptr = ptr->next,i++); prev -> next = new1 ; new1 -> next = ptr ; print_list(start); } } void delete_node_by_pos() { Node *prev, *ptr, *temp; int pos,i; //printf("\n In function %s\n",__func__); if(isEmpty() != true) { printf("\nEnter the node no. you want to delete: "); scanf("%d",&pos); if (pos < 1 || pos > count()) { printf("\n Deletion failed! Out of bounds!!!"); return; } else if(pos == 1) { temp = start; start = start -> next; free(temp); print_list(start); } else if(pos > 1) { for(i = 1 ,prev = start, ptr = start -> next; (ptr) && (i < pos -1); prev = ptr , ptr = ptr->next,i++) { //`printf("\n prev-> data : %d\tptr->data :%d" ,prev-> data, ptr->data); } temp = ptr; prev -> next = ptr -> next; free(temp); print_list(start); } } } void delete_node_by_data() { Node *ptr,*prev,*temp; int info, ch; SD sp; static int visited = 0; //printf("\n In function %s\n",__func__); if(isEmpty() != true) { printf("\nEnter the data you want to delete: "); scanf("%d",&info); adv_search(info, &sp); { if(start -> data == info ) { temp = start; start = start -> next; free(temp); print_list(start); return; } for(prev = start , ptr = start -> next ; ptr ; prev = ptr , ptr = ptr -> next) { if( ptr -> data == info) { temp = ptr; prev -> next = ptr -> next; free(temp); print_list(start); return; } } } print_list(start); } } void print_list(Node* start) { Node *ptr; //printf("\n In function %s\n",__func__); printf("\n"); for(ptr = start; ptr ; ptr = ptr ->next ) { printf("-> %d ",ptr->data); } printf("\n"); } int print_no() { //printf("\n In function %s\n",__func__); printf("\nThe total no. of members in the list are : %d \n", count()); } int count() { Node *ptr; int count = 0; ptr = start ; while(ptr!=NULL) { ptr = ptr -> next; count++; } return count; } Node* reverse(Node* root) { Node* ret_val; if ( root == NULL || root->next == NULL ) { return root; } ret_val = reverse ( root -> next ); root -> next->next = root; root->next = NULL; return ret_val; } unsigned int getIntInRange(unsigned int min, unsigned int max, const char *prompt) { int input, //used to get input bad_count=0; //used to keep track of how many bad attempts. do { cout << prompt; //print out our prompt cin >> input; //get the input if (!cin.good() || input < min || input > max) { cout << "\nInvalid Input!" << std::endl; cin.clear(); //resets the state flag cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'\n'); //clears out the buffer bad_count++; //User made a bad input, count it input = 0; // user did not enter a valid number } } while (input == 0 && bad_count < BAD_INPUT_CUTOFF); return input; } int main() { int choice,searchKey,info; SD sp; Node* temp; while(1) { printf("\n1.Insert a node at beg\n2.Insert a node at end \n3.Insert a node at a given position\n4.Delete a node by data\n5.Delete a node by position\n6.Print the list\n7.Print the no. of elements\n8.Reverse the list\n9.Search \n10.Advanced Search\n11.Exit\n"); choice = getIntInRange(1,11,"\n Choose your option (1-11):\n"); switch(choice) { case 1 : insert_beg(); break; case 2 : insert_end(); break; case 3 : insert_at_pos(); break; case 4 : delete_node_by_data(); break; case 5 : delete_node_by_pos(); break; case 6 : print_list(start); break; case 7 : print_no(); break; case 8 : start = reverse(start); print_list(start); break; case 9 : printf("\nEnter the data you want to search : "); scanf("%d",&searchKey); if(search(searchKey)!=NULL) printf("\nData %d at %x",searchKey , search(searchKey)); break; case 10 : printf("\nEnter the data you want to search : "); scanf("%d",&searchKey); adv_search(searchKey,&sp); break; case 11 : exit(0); default : printf("\nInvalid input !!!\n"); break; } } }
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